Source code for concrete_settings.contrib.sources.yaml_source

from typing import Any, Tuple, Union, Type

from concrete_settings.exceptions import ConcreteSettingsError
from concrete_settings.sources import FileSource, register_source, NotFound

[docs]@register_source class YamlSource(FileSource): extensions = ['.yml', '.yaml'] def __init__(self, path): try: import yaml # noqa: F401 # imported but unused except ImportError as e: raise ConcreteSettingsError( f'YAML source is not available for `{path}` ' 'due to error importing `yaml` package.\n' 'Perhaps you have forgotten to install PyYAML?' ) from e super().__init__(path) self._data = None def read(self, setting, parents: Tuple[str, ...] = ()) -> Union[Type[NotFound], Any]: if self._data is None: self._data = self._read_file(self.path) d = self._data for key in parents: d = d[key] val = d.get(, NotFound) return val @staticmethod def _read_file(path): import yaml try: with open(path) as f: raw_data = return yaml.safe_load(raw_data) or {} except FileNotFoundError as e: raise ConcreteSettingsError(f"Source file {path} was not found") from e except yaml.YAMLError as e: raise ConcreteSettingsError(f"Error parsing YAML from {path}: {e}") from e