Source code for concrete_settings.exceptions

from typing import Union, List, Dict

class ConcreteSettingsError(Exception):
    """Base class for all concrete_settings exceptions."""

class StructureError(ConcreteSettingsError):
    """Raised when an inconsistency in settings inheritance hierarchy is detected."""

SettingName = str

# fmt: off
# type ignored due to cyclic definition, promised to be fixed in
# future mypy versions

ValidationErrorDetails = Union[                   # type: ignore
    List['ValidationErrorDetails'],               # type: ignore
    Dict[SettingName, 'ValidationErrorDetails'],  # type: ignore
# fmt: on

[docs]class ValidationError(ConcreteSettingsError): sources: List[str] def __init__(self, details: ValidationErrorDetails = ''): self.details = details self.sources = [] def prepend_source(self, source): self.sources.insert(0, source) def __str__(self): detail_str = _format_detail(self.details) if self.sources: source = '.'.join(self.sources) return f'{source}: {detail_str}' else: return detail_str
def _format_detail(detail) -> str: if isinstance(detail, list): return '; '.join(_format_detail(d) for d in detail) elif isinstance(detail, dict): return '\n'.join(f'{k}: {_format_detail(v)}.' for k, v in detail.items()) else: return str(detail)