Source code for concrete_settings.settings

import logging
import types
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import (

from .setting import Setting, PropertySetting
from .setting_registry import registry
from .docreader import extract_doc_comments_from_class_or_module
from .exceptions import StructureError, ValidationError, ValidationErrorDetails
from .sources import get_source, AnySource, Source, NotFound
from .sources.strategies import Strategy, default as default_update_strategy
from .types import GuessSettingType, type_hints_equal
from .validators import Validator, ValueTypeValidator

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

INVALID_SETTINGS = '__invalid__settings__'

class SettingsMeta(type):
    def __new__(mcs, name, bases, class_dict):
        new_dict = mcs.class_dict_to_settings(class_dict, bases)
        mcs.add_settings_help(name, new_dict)
        return super().__new__(mcs, name, bases, new_dict)

    def class_dict_to_settings(mcs, class_dict: dict, bases: List[type]):
        new_dict = {}
        annotations = class_dict.get("__annotations__", {})

        for name, attr in class_dict.items():
            attr_is_setting = isinstance(attr, Setting)
            new_attr = attr

            # Make a Setting out of each UPPERCASE_ATTRIBUTE
            if (
                not attr_is_setting
                and mcs._is_setting_name(name)
                and mcs._can_be_converted_to_setting_automatically(attr)
                new_attr = mcs._make_setting_from_attribute(name, attr, annotations)

            new_attr_is_setting = isinstance(new_attr, Setting)

            # Should we guess a type_hint for the Setting?
            if new_attr_is_setting and new_attr.type_hint is GuessSettingType:
                new_attr.type_hint = mcs._guess_type_hint(
                    name, new_attr, annotations, bases

            # If the Setting was created from an implicit definition (without behaviors!)
            # should we then try substituting the setting type with a one
            # from the registry?
            if not attr_is_setting and new_attr_is_setting:
                setting_class_from_registry = registry.get_setting_class_for_type(
                if setting_class_from_registry is not Setting:
                    new_attr = mcs._substitute_by_setting_class_from_registry(

            # Final touch: apply behaviors
            if new_attr_is_setting:

            new_dict[name] = new_attr

        return new_dict

    def _make_setting_from_attribute(
        mcs, name, attr, annotations
    ) -> Union[PropertySetting, Setting]:
        # is it a class method?
        if isinstance(attr, types.FunctionType):
            return PropertySetting(attr)

        type_hint = annotations.get(name, GuessSettingType)

        setting_class_from_registry = registry.get_setting_class_for_type(type_hint)

        return setting_class_from_registry(attr, doc="", type_hint=type_hint)

    def _guess_type_hint(mcs, name, setting: Setting, annotations, bases: List[type]):
        # we still have to check annotations,
        # e.g. if the setting was instantiated by behavior
        annotation_type_hint = annotations.get(name, GuessSettingType)
        if annotation_type_hint is not GuessSettingType:
            return annotation_type_hint

        # try to get the type hint from the base classes
        for base in bases:
                base_type_hint = getattr(base, name).type_hint
                return base_type_hint
            except AttributeError:

        guessed_setting_type = GuessSettingType.guess_type_hint(setting.value)
        return guessed_setting_type

    def _is_setting_name(mcs, name: str) -> bool:
        """Return True if name is written in the upper case"""
        return not name.startswith('_') and name.upper() == name

    def _can_be_converted_to_setting_automatically(mcs, attr: Any) -> bool:
        """Return False if attribute should not be converted
           to a Setting automatically"""
        callable_types = (property, classmethod, staticmethod)
        return not isinstance(attr, callable_types)

    def add_settings_help(mcs, cls_name: str, class_dict: dict):
        if '__module__' not in class_dict:
            # class is not coming from a module

        settings = {
            name: attr for name, attr in class_dict.items() if isinstance(attr, Setting)
        if not settings:
            # class seems to contain to settings

        if all(setting.__doc__ for setting in settings.values()):
            # All settings of the class have been explicitly documented.
            # Since explicit documentation overrides comment-docs,
            # there is no need to proceed further

        # read the contents of the module which contains the settings
        # and parse it via Sphinx parser
        cls_module_name = class_dict['__module__']

        comments = extract_doc_comments_from_class_or_module(cls_module_name, cls_name)

        for name, setting in settings.items():
            if setting.__doc__:
                # do not modify an explicitly-made setting documentation

            comment_key = (cls_name, name)
                setting.__doc__ = comments[comment_key]
            except KeyError:
                # no comment-style documentation exists

    def _substitute_by_setting_class_from_registry(
        setting: Setting,
        substitue_setting_type: Type[Setting]
        new_setting = substitue_setting_type(

        new_setting._behaviors = setting._behaviors
        return new_setting

    def _apply_behaviors(mcs, setting: Setting):
        for behavior in setting._behaviors:

[docs]class Settings(Setting, metaclass=SettingsMeta): default_validators: Tuple[Validator, ...] = () mandatory_validators: Tuple[Validator, ...] = (ValueTypeValidator(),) _is_being_validated: bool _errors: ValidationErrorDetails = {} def __init__(self, **kwargs): assert ( 'value' not in kwargs ), '"value" argument should not be passed to Settings.__init__()' assert ( 'type_hint' not in kwargs ), '"type_hint" argument should not be passed to Settings.__init__()' super().__init__(value=self, type_hint=self.__class__, **kwargs) self._is_being_validated = False self._verify_structure() def _verify_structure(self): # verify whether the setting on Nth level of the inheritance hierarchy # corresponds to the setting on N-1th level of the hierarchy. for name, classes in self._get_settings_classes().items(): for c0, c1 in zip(classes, classes[1:]): # start with setting object of the first classes s0 = c0.__dict__[name] s1 = c1.__dict__[name] differences = self._settings_diff(s0, s1) if differences: diff = '; '.join(differences) raise StructureError( f'in classes {c0} and {c1} setting {name} has' f' the following difference(s): {diff}' ) def _get_settings_classes(self) -> Dict[str, List[Type['Settings']]]: # _settings_classes is helper list which can be used in # settings reading and validation routines. # 1. Iterate through __mro__ classes in reverse order - so that # iteration happens from the most-base class to the current one. # 2. Store found settings as {name: [cls, ...]} to settings_classes settings_classes: Dict[str, List[Type['Settings']]] = defaultdict(list) assert self.__class__.__mro__[-3] is Settings # __mro__[:-2] - skip Settings and object bases for cls in reversed(self.__class__.__mro__[:-3]): for attr, val in cls.__dict__.items(): if isinstance(val, Setting): settings_classes[attr].append(cls) return dict(settings_classes) def _settings_diff(self, s0: Setting, s1: Setting) -> List[str]: NO_DIFF = [] # type: ignore differences = [] # No checks are performed if setting is overridden if s1.override: return NO_DIFF if not type_hints_equal(s0.type_hint, s1.type_hint): differences.append(f'types differ: {s0.type_hint} != {s1.type_hint}') return differences @classmethod def settings_attributes(cls) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, Setting]]: for name in dir(cls): attr = getattr(cls, name) if isinstance(attr, Setting): yield name, attr
[docs] def is_valid(self, raise_exception=False) -> bool: self._errors = {} self._errors = self._run_validation(raise_exception) return self._errors == {}
def _run_validation(self, raise_exception=False) -> ValidationErrorDetails: self._is_being_validated = True errors = {} # validate each setting individually for name, setting in self.settings_attributes(): setting_errors = self._validate_setting(name, setting, raise_exception) if setting_errors: errors[name] = setting_errors if errors == {}: try: self.validate() except ValidationError as e: if raise_exception: raise e else: errors[INVALID_SETTINGS] = [str(e)] self._is_being_validated = False return errors def _validate_setting( self, name: str, setting: Setting, raise_exception=False ) -> ValidationErrorDetails: value: Setting = getattr(self, name) errors: List[ValidationErrorDetails] = [] validators = setting.validators or self.default_validators validators += self.mandatory_validators for validator in validators: try: validator(value, name=name, owner=self, setting=setting) except ValidationError as e: if raise_exception: raise ValidationError({name: e.details}) from e errors.append(str(e)) except Exception as e: if raise_exception: raise ValidationError({name: str(e)}) from e else: errors.append(str(e)) # nested Settings if isinstance(value, Settings): nested_settings = value try: nested_settings.is_valid(raise_exception=raise_exception) except ValidationError as e: assert raise_exception e.prepend_source(name) raise ValidationError({name: e.details}) from e if nested_settings.errors: errors.append(nested_settings.errors) return errors
[docs] def validate(self): pass
[docs] def update(self, source: AnySource, strategies: dict = None): strategies = strategies if strategies is not None else {} assert isinstance(strategies, Mapping), '`strategies` type should be `dict`' source_obj = get_source(source) self._update(self, source_obj, parents=(), strategies=strategies)
@staticmethod def _update( settings: 'Settings', source: Source, parents: Tuple[str, ...] = (), strategies: Dict[str, Strategy] = None, ): """Recursively update settings object from dictionary""" strategies = strategies or {} for name, setting in settings.settings_attributes(): if isinstance(setting, Settings): settings._update(setting, source, (*parents, name), strategies) else: full_setting_name = f'{".".join(parents) and "."}{name}' if full_setting_name in strategies: update_strategy = strategies[full_setting_name] logger.debug( 'Updating setting %s with strategy %s', full_setting_name, getattr(update_strategy, '__qualname__', 'unknown strategy'), ) else: update_strategy = default_update_strategy update_to_val =, parents) if update_to_val is NotFound: continue current_val = getattr(settings, name) new_val = update_strategy(current_val, update_to_val) setattr(settings, name, new_val)
[docs] def extract_to(self, destination: Union[types.ModuleType, dict], prefix: str = ''): if prefix != '': prefix = prefix + '_' if isinstance(destination, types.ModuleType): destination = destination.__dict__ for name, attr in self.settings_attributes(): var_name = prefix + name if isinstance(attr, Settings): # nested settings attr.extract_to(destination, var_name) else: destination[var_name] = getattr(self, name)
@property def errors(self) -> ValidationErrorDetails: return self._errors @property def is_being_validated(self) -> bool: return self._is_being_validated