Advanced topics =============== In this chapter we explore Concrete Settings in depth. .. contents:: :local: .. testsetup:: from concrete_settings import Settings .. _setting_definition: Setting definition ------------------ Concrete Settings' loves reader-friendly implicit settings definitions such as: .. testcode:: from concrete_settings import Settings class AppSettings(Settings): #: Turns debug mode on/off DEBUG: bool = True In this section we discuss how such an implicit definition is parsed and processed into :class:`Setting ` descriptor instances. In a nutshell Concrete Settings has to get a setting field's :ref:`name `, :ref:`initial value ` and :ref:`type hint `, its :ref:`validators `, and :ref:`documentation `. .. uml:: :align: center @startuml (Initial value) --> (Setting) (Type hint) --> (Setting) (Validators) --> (Setting) (Documentation) --> (Setting) note left of (Setting) : NAME @enduml .. _setting_definition_name: Name .... Every attribute with **name** written in upper case is considered a potential Setting. The exceptions are attributes starting with underscore: .. testcode:: setting-definition-name from concrete_settings import Settings class AppSettings(Settings): debug = True # not a setting _DEBUG = True # not a setting DEBUG = True ### considered a setting .. testcleanup:: setting-definition-name from concrete_settings import Setting assert not isinstance(AppSettings.debug, Setting) assert not isinstance(AppSettings._DEBUG, Setting) assert isinstance(AppSettings.DEBUG, Setting) Class methods are also automatically converted to property-settings even if their names are written in upper case. .. testcode:: setting-definition-name-property-setting from concrete_settings import Settings, setting class AppSettings(Settings): def ADMIN(self) -> str: # automatically converted to setting """Admin name""" return 'Alex' .. testcleanup:: setting-definition-name-property-setting from concrete_settings import Setting assert isinstance(AppSettings.ADMIN, Setting) A method can be decorated by :class:`@setting ` in order to control Setting initialization. For example, to set validators: .. testcode:: setting-definition-name-property-setting-decorator from concrete_settings import Settings, setting from concrete_settings import ValidationError # a validator def not_too_fast(speed): if speed > 100: raise ValidationError('You are going too fast!') class CarSettings(Settings): @setting(validators=(not_too_fast, )) def MAX_SPEED(self): return 200 .. testcleanup:: setting-definition-name-property-setting-decorator from concrete_settings import Setting assert isinstance(CarSettings.MAX_SPEED, Setting) .. _setting_definition_initial_value: Initial value ............. The *initial value* is the value assigned to the attribute: .. testcode:: class AppSettings(Settings): DEBUG = True # initial value is `True` MAX_SPEED = 10 # initial value is `10` You can use the special :class:`Undefined ` value in cases when initial value is not available: .. testcode:: from concrete_settings import Undefined class DBSettings(Settings): USERNAME: str = Undefined PASSWORD: str = Undefined ``Undefined`` implies that the setting value would be set later in runtime *before validation*. :class:`RequiredValidator ` would fail validation if the setting's value is ``Undefined``. It does not make much a sense to have a initial value for a property-setting since the value is computed every time a setting is read. To prevent misuse, passing a ``value`` argument raises an :class:`AssertionError` when ``assert`` statements have effect. .. testcode:: from concrete_settings import Settings, setting class AppSettings(Settings): LOG_LEVEL = 'INFO' def DEBUG(self) -> bool: return self.LOG_LEVEL == 'DEBUG' app_settings = AppSettings() print(app_settings.DEBUG) Output: .. testoutput:: False .. _setting_definition_type_hint: Type hint ......... A type hint is defined by a standard Python type annotation: .. testcode:: class AppSettings(Settings): MAX_SPEED: int = 10 # type hint is `int` If an attribute is not type-annotated, a *type hint* is computed by calling :class:`type() ` on the initial value. The recognized types are defined in :attr:`GuessSettingType.KNOWN_TYPES `. If the type is not recognized, the type hint is set to :data:`typing.Any`. .. testcode:: class AppSettings(Settings): DEBUG = True # initial value `True`, type `bool` MAX_SPEED = 300 # initial value `300`, type `int` **It is recommended to explicitly annotate a setting with the intended type, in order to avoid invalid type detections**: .. testcode:: class AppSettings(Settings): DEBUG: bool = True # initial value `True`, type `bool` MAX_SPEED: float = 300 # initial value `300`, type `float` Property-settings' type hint is read from the return type annotation. If no annotation is provided, the type hint is set to :data:`typing.Any`: .. testsetup:: type-hint-property-setting from concrete_settings import Settings, setting .. testcode:: type-hint-property-setting class AppSettings(Settings): def DEBUG(self) -> bool: return True def MAX_SPEED(self): return 300 print(AppSettings.DEBUG.type_hint) print(AppSettings.MAX_SPEED.type_hint) Output: .. testoutput:: type-hint-property-setting typing.Any .. testcleanup:: type-hint-property-setting assert AppSettings.DEBUG.type_hint is bool The ``type_hint`` attribute is intended for validators. For example, the built-in :class:`ValueTypeValidator ` fails validation if the type of the setting value does not correspond to the defined type hint. .. _setting_definition_validators: Validators .......... Validators is a collection of callables which validate the value of the setting. The interface of the callable is defined in the :meth:`Validator protocol `. If validation fails, a validator raises :class:`ValidationError ` with failure details. Other exception raised by validators are also wrapped (via ``raise from``) into :class:`ValidationError `. Individual Setting validators are supplied in ``validators`` argument of an explicit Setting definition. Also :ref:`behaviors ` like :class:`validate ` and others can be used to add validators to a setting. The *mandatory validators* are applied to every Setting in Settings class. They are defined in :attr:`Settings.mandatory_validators ` tuple. :class:`ValueTypeValidator ` is the only validator in the base ``Settings.mandatory_validators``. .. testsetup:: from concrete_settings.validators import ValueTypeValidator assert len(Settings.mandatory_validators) == 1, 'Mandatory validators are expected to have a single validator' assert isinstance(Settings.mandatory_validators[0], ValueTypeValidator) The *default validators* are applied to a Setting that has no validators of its own. They are defined in :attr:`Settings.default_validators `. Note that both lists are inherited by standard Python class inheritance rules. For example, to extend ``default_validators`` in a derived class, use concatenation. In the following example :class:`RequiredValidator ` is added to ``default_validators`` to prevent any :class:`Undefined ` values appearing in the validated settings: .. testcode:: advanced-default-validators-undefined from concrete_settings import Settings, Undefined from concrete_settings.validators import RequiredValidator class AppSettings(Settings): default_validators = Settings.default_validators + (RequiredValidator(), ) ADMIN_NAME: str = Undefined app_settings = AppSettings() print(app_settings.is_valid()) print(app_settings.errors) Output: .. testoutput:: advanced-default-validators-undefined False {'ADMIN_NAME': ['Setting `ADMIN_NAME` is required to have a value. Current value is `Undefined`']} Property-settings are validated in the same fashion: .. testcode:: advanced-default-validators-undefined from concrete_settings import Settings, setting class AppSettings(Settings): @setting def ADMIN_NAME(self) -> str: return 10 app_settings = AppSettings() print(app_settings.is_valid()) print(app_settings.errors) Output: .. testoutput:: advanced-default-validators-undefined False {'ADMIN_NAME': ["Expected value of type `` got value of type ``"]} Finally Concrete Settings supplies a handy :class:`validate ` behavior to add validators to setting in "decorator" manner: .. testsetup:: advanced-validators-behavior-validate from concrete_settings import Settings .. testcode:: advanced-validators-behavior-validate from concrete_settings import validate, ValidationError def is_positive(value, **kwargs): if value <= 0: raise ValidationError("must be positive integer") class AppSettings(Settings): SPEED: int = 50 @validate(is_positive) .. _setting_definition_documentation: Documentation ............. Last but not the least - documentation. No matter how well you name a setting, its purpose, usage and background should be carefully documented. One way to keep the documentation up-to-date is to do it in the code. Concrete Settings uses `Sphinx `_ to extract settings' docstrings from a source code. A docstring is written above the setting definition in a ``#:`` comment block: .. code:: # from concrete_settings import Settings class AppSettings(Settings): #: This is a multiline #: docstring explaining what #: ADMIN_NAME is and how to use it. ADMIN_NAME: str = 'Alex' print(AppSettings.ADMIN_NAME.__doc__) Output: .. code-block:: none This is a multiline docstring explaining what ADMIN_NAME is and how to use it. Note that extracting a docstring **works only if the settings are located in a readable file with source code!** Otherwise documentation has to be specified as an argument in :class:`Setting ` constructor: .. testcode:: from concrete_settings import Setting, Settings class AppSettings(Settings): ADMIN_NAME: str = Setting( 'Alex', doc='This is a multiline\n' 'docstring explaining what\n' 'ADMIN_NAME is and how to use it.' ) Property-settings are documented via standard Python function docstrings: .. testcode:: advanced-documentation-property-setting # from concrete_settings import Settings, setting class AppSettings(Settings): def ADMIN_NAME(self) -> str: '''This documents ADMIN_NAME.''' return 'Alex' print(AppSettings.ADMIN_NAME.__doc__) Output: .. testoutput:: advanced-documentation-property-setting This documents ADMIN_NAME. .. _setting_definition_behaviors: Behaviors --------- :class:`Setting Behaviors ` allow executing some logic on different stages of a Setting life cycle. Concrete Settings utilizes matrix multiplication ``@`` (:meth:`object.__rmatmul__`) operator to attach a behavior to a Setting. The attached behaviors are stored in :attr:`Setting._behaviors `. When a parent :class:`Settings ` class is constructed a :meth:`behavior.decorate(setting) ` is called for each attached behavior. Let's define the ``ADMIN_NAME`` setting from the example above as :class:`required `: .. testcode:: from concrete_settings import Settings, Undefined from concrete_settings.contrib.behaviors import required class AppSettings(Settings): ADMIN_NAME: str = Undefined @required Multiple behaviors can be chained via ``@`` operator: .. testcode:: from concrete_settings import Settings, Undefined from concrete_settings.contrib.behaviors import required, deprecated class AppSettings(Settings): ADMIN_NAME: str = Undefined @required @deprecated Behaviors can also decorate property-settings: .. testcode:: from concrete_settings import Settings, Undefined, setting from concrete_settings.contrib.behaviors import required class AppSettings(Settings): @required @setting def ADMIN_NAME(self) -> str: return Undefined Validating the example above .. testcode:: app_settings = AppSettings() print(app_settings.is_valid()) print(app_settings.errors) yields the following output: .. testoutput:: False {'ADMIN_NAME': ['Setting `ADMIN_NAME` is required to have a value. Current value is `Undefined`']} Inheritance and overriding settings ----------------------------------- One of classical configuration patterns is to use multi-tier settings definitions. For example: .. uml:: :align: center @startuml (Base settings) --> (Dev Setting) (Base settings) --> (Production Setting) @enduml Imagine a situation, where a setting annotated as ``int`` in Base settings is accidentally redefined in Dev or Production settings as ``str``: .. testcode:: advanced_inheritance_override from concrete_settings import Settings class BaseSettings(Settings): MAX_CONNECTIONS: int = 100 ... class DevSettings(BaseSettings): MAX_CONNECTIONS: str = '100' Concrete Settings detects this difference and raises an exception during early structure verification: .. testcode:: advanced_inheritance_override :hide: from concrete_settings.exceptions import StructureError try: DevSettings().is_valid() except StructureError as e: print(e) .. testoutput:: advanced_inheritance_override in classes and setting MAX_CONNECTIONS has the following difference(s): types differ: != To tell Concrete Settings that the re-defition is valid, a Setting has to be overriden, either explicitly by passing ``override=True`` or by using :class:`@override ` behavior: .. testcode:: advanced_inheritance_override_works from concrete_settings import Settings, Setting, override class BaseSettings(Settings): MAX_CONNECTIONS: int = 100 MIN_CONNECTIONS: int = 10 ... class DevSettings(BaseSettings): MAX_CONNECTIONS: str = '100' @override MIN_CONNECTIONS = Setting('100', type_hint=str, override=True) print(DevSettings().is_valid()) Output: .. testoutput:: advanced_inheritance_override_works True Update strategies ----------------- In most cases, a developer wants to overwrite a setting value when updating it from a source. But there are exceptions. Think of a list setting, which contains administrators' emails, e.g.: .. testcode:: quickstart-update-strategies from typing import List from concrete_settings import Settings class AppSettings(Settings): ADMIN_EMAILS: List[str] = [ '' ] What if you want to **append** the emails defined in sources, instead of overwriting them? ConcreteSettings provides a concept of :mod:`update strategies ` for such cases: .. code-block:: json { "ADMIN_EMAILS": [""] } .. testsetup:: quickstart-update-strategies with open('/tmp/cs-quickstart-settings.json', 'w') as f: f.write(''' { "ADMIN_EMAILS": [""] } ''') .. testcode:: quickstart-update-strategies from concrete_settings.sources import strategies ... app_settings = AppSettings() app_settings.update('/tmp/cs-quickstart-settings.json', strategies={ 'ADMIN_EMAILS': strategies.append }) print(app_settings.ADMIN_EMAILS) .. testcleanup:: quickstart-update-strategies import os os.remove('/tmp/cs-quickstart-settings.json') Output: .. testoutput:: quickstart-update-strategies ['', '']